John Cox Testimonial | Alaska, USA

2016-03-01 Cesar Sosa

John Cox Testimonial | Alaska, USA

All on 4 Full Mouth Fixed Hybrid Denture

Definitely worth it and I would recommend it to anybody.

John came to us with teeth issues caused by Cancer, and shotty implant work. It took John 2 trips to Cancun to finish his treatment, which required 8 Implants on the upper maxillary, and 6 implants on the lower mandible. John arrived to us with an ill-fitting denture, failed implants, and moderate bone loss. Our specialists took on this challenge and helped change his life. John went through an Osseo integration period of 6 months while his implants healed. During this time he wore a temporary healing denture made of acrylic. On the restorative phase John returned to have the Fixed Hybrid Dentures placed on his upper and lower arches. He spent 10 days with us while our specialists and technicians worked hard to finish his case, which was not easy. The end result is a beautiful set of new teeth and a happy patient, John was also able to save a third of what his work would have cost him back home. And in his words “received 200% better work” compared to in his hometown.

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