Hilton | Edmonton, Canada Aug 11, 2015
I picked Ocean Dental after doing as much research as I could on google. But I still remember being very nervous, as not only was I heading out of country for a pretty major procedure, but I also didn’t know anyone personally who had ever done this or had gone to Ocean Dental. I was worried about a lower quality of care or service because of how big the price difference was from getting crowns done here in Canada.
I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong. Ocean Dental was incredible at every point. The people were amazing (seriously, every single one of them was awesome), the office was clean, all the instruments seemed more advanced that what my local dentist office even had, and the quality of my final smile was something I never could have believed I’d end up with until I saw it.
I can’t describe how happy I am to have not only got this procedure done, but to have also done it at Ocean Dental. I have, and will continue, to recommend it to anyone who asks about my teeth.
Although I can’t speak for any other dental offices in Cancun (as I’ve obviously never been to them), it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if Ocean Dental is considered the best dental office in Cancun. I can tell you my experience here was easily the best dental experience I’ve ever had in my life, and I’m so incredibly glad I went there.